Chapter II - Ensuring our Legacy
With a successful Chapter I launch of Immortal DAO, we have prepared more intriguing plans for our fellow Immortals, that would definitely satisfy you in the years to come.
1. Safety first. We are going to implement 3rd-party multi-signature and we have already made notes on who to approach such as someone crucial to the development of Celoverse. If you have a candidate please propose in our #✍-suggestions in Discord, and please make sure they fulfil either of these 3 criteria:
Giving milleniums worth of external credit to the project
Significant hodlers of sIMMO. These stakeholders will hopefully have the best interest for Immortal
Experienced and competent in DAO governance
2. Ensuring longevity by expanding the basket in our treasury. Besides the current mcUSD, we have added mcEUR and CELO and are looking to add WETH and other coins. BTC will also ideally be one of our strategic assets in the treasury.
3. Growing our treasury. Every part of ImmortalDAO should be working for our holders, especially the treasury which holds a prominent amount of wealth. So, we are going to look for yields or rewards for vault.
Visit our Roadmap for more information regarding our future direction!
Last updated